Classement des chefs :  » c’est ridicule, la cuisine ce n’est pas du sport ou de la politique  » indique le chef Christian Puglisi

02 novembre 2017  0  Chefs & Actualités

signature-food-and-sens Le chef Christian Puglisi (Reale à Copenhague), classé 39 ème meilleur restaurant au monde dans le 50 Best et étoilé Michelin, a récemment fait une déclaration sur son compte Instagram concernant les nombreux classements mondiaux de chefs de cuisine.

 » Je suis si fatigué de ce besoin constant de dimensionner, classer et répertorier chaque chose dans cette industrie de la cuisine  » indique le chef, visiblement remonté contre cette manie des classements.

Bien qu’il reconnaisse que les récompenses et les classements ont aidé son entreprise et énormément stimulé son ego, il pense que ce dimensionnement constant au travers de listes crée une concurrence qui n’est pas positive.

 « Ce n’est pas du sport, ce n’est pas de la politique. Ce n’est pas une question de votes, ce n’est pas une question d’évaluation. Il s’agit de manger, de vivre, de cuisiner et de bouger les fesses », dit-il. 

De plus, pour lui il est injuste que l’on compare des milliers de cuisines dans le monde qui souvent n’ont rien en commun.


Look at this! I have been voted (I think) to be the 69th best chef in the world! And I really hope that you really don’t give a flying fuck! Because guess what? You shouldn’t! I have grown so tired of this constant need to sizing, ranking and listing every single thing in this industry. It seems like a month can’t go by without some new list coming out that you need to relate to. 50 best restaurants, 100 best restaurants, 50 best pizza, Top 300 most influential under 30, best chef in the world, I won’t be surprised to soon finding the worldwide Top 100 ramen shop, the 50 best dressed chef of the year list (won by Quique Dacosta every year so maybe short lived..) the 100 best chefs on instagram and why not; The Best Chef Tattoo List in my feed or inbox. But now things are getting ridiculous – let me all just remind you if you forgot for a moment. It’s about food. Cooked in restaurants. – it’s not sports, it’s not politics. It’s not about votes, it’s not about ratings. It’s about eating, living, cooking and kicking ass. There is in my mind no sense in turning the great art of gastronomy and conviviality in a constant competition for acknowledgement, rankings and likes. It does not NEED to! Do you like what you are doing/eating/cooking? Does it need to be related to other experiences of that kind to have any value? No! Just enjoy the moment! Be present! It’s subjective! Sometimes you need to take the time to try and understand a bit of complexity rather than just simplifying every damn thing by ranking it. And yeeeees, I acknowledge that me and my business have been helped by many a ranking. At first my ego gets me excited, wow- top 100 chef in the world.😎 But then I’m thinking; who the hell has the right to judge me or anyone else on a scale with thousands of other cooks that I might have a lot or absolutely nothing in common with…? As a person? As a chef? I have not entered an election as far as I know. People! – you can’t rate people!!! Some of these ideas need to live and die their short lives behind the doors of some marketing department of some blendermaking company. Enough now. #bestchef #rankmyrant

Une publication partagée par Christian Francesco Puglisi (@chrifrapug) le

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